Wednesday 21 December 2011

tell me why please? onegai..

hey yo..
aq nak buat topic psal benda ni la..
"mengapa budak-2 yang bukan berasal dari KL tetapi bila turun KL mereka rasa begitu bangga?"
boleh bagitau kenapa?
sbb aq ni memang xslalu turun KL, atleast aq xde la rasa bangga kalau turun KL.
sbb bila budak buat camtu, aq rasa kesian sbb mereka ni mcm jakun sangat.
memang xsalah nk bangga dgn bandar maju sperti KL sbb ia dlm Malaysia.
tp kalau semua status, everytime, nak tag ada kt mid la, pavi la, apa la.
aq rasa semak and deorng mcm bangga sangat pegi tempat2 mcmtu.
adakah sebab deorng ni budak-2 skolah yg bru nk up?
aduh ape2 pun please jgn dok buat status or tag diri sendiri kt tempat2 camtu.
sikit aq xheran malah aq kesian sbb ia buat korng mcm jakun -_-

Wednesday 14 December 2011

the day has come

tonight is the last night aku ngadap buku pepagi buta gini.
pastu aku nak relax, and have a vacation.
penat la ngadap buku malam2.
berbanding main game or facebook sampai pg xpe pulak.
biasa la aku bukan bagus sangat nak bace buku lame2 ==''
aku mulai suka dgn hidup aku.
xterlalu suka, xterlalu sedih, xterlalu kaya, xterlalu femes.
mahai speaking of kaya, bila lah MARA aku nak dpt ni?
jenuh dah menunggu. pls MARA come to me fast.
i really damn need u. dah segan dah nak minta duet kt parents aku.
btw, esok paper math. baca notes dah, calculator dah, semua ada.
esok tinggal jwb dgn relax. paper kul 9 smpai 10 rasanya.
then kemas bilik pastu gerak balek sgmt.
i really need a vacation !!! =_= tomorrow gonna start my damn vacation.
wahahahhaha. bye readers :D

Tuesday 13 December 2011

its always have to be me right?

lonely. thats the best way to describe about me.
not forever alone. LOL
its juz that i always have this kind of feeling being left alone.
being left by family, friends or even myself.
i know its kinda weird. but hell yeah, i am weird guy =D
tonight i sleep alone in miat.
no people to sit beside me or to talk to.
only this lappy is my best friend since i was school kid.
but when i was left all alone, there is a new friend of mine =D
she's pretty nice and pretty. wahahhaha
she's there to accompany me.
even we knew not for long, she pretty spoting to me. wahahaha
she even wait me till i end study tonight o.o thats pretty touched.
i thought i juz wanna play2 with her to accompany me tonight coz i alone.
she really do it o.o and i was surprised. hahahha.
btw sorry to kept u waiting hor. i didn't meant to be a burden to you >okok. gudnite to you and myself too. and the nite to olls.

Wednesday 16 March 2011


cool. my first blog. never thought i would do it : D